Turbo Truck does 360 Degree Spin and STILL WINS!!!

Wow, this is unbelievable, Turbo Truck does 360 Degree Spin and STILL WINS!!!

Over the years there has been an incredible number of crazy runs that we have seen, and subsequently brought to you, but this, well this will definitely be at the top 10 ever craziest rides.

This turbo truck lost control near the end of the run, and the driver apparently had lightning fast reflexes and reacted immediately after the truck started sliding sideways but all that grip and forward momentum lifted one side in the air, slamming it back down on the track within an instance.

The driver slammed on the brakes at the right moment and kept the skid only to have the truck rotate 360 degrees while sliding down towards the finish line, and he managed to cross it while still sliding, finishing the run in his own lane.

Only after the truck crossed the finish line, he crossed over in the opponent’s lane but by that time he had already won the race. In the meantime the guy in the other lane pulled a massive wheelie which nobody seemed to notice, check out this incredible action in the video bellow.

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