Ever Make a Test Hit in The Parking Lot?

Wait, did you Ever Make a Test Hit in The Parking Lot?

There are many things that you can say about racers and the resto of the people involved in drag racing but one of the most common for all of them, aside from the undying love for cars, is the fact that they can be very very resourceful.

From acquiring parts that are nowhere to be found to getting stuff done in incredibly short amounts of time to slamming a test hit on a parking lot that is nowhere near long enough to do one.

We all know that tweaking and tuning the car in order to make it ready to put down a run can be a longsome and tiresome process that requires a test run in between all of the tweaks and setup changes, but these guys are nothing short of geniuses and they found the perfect test run for a short off the line hit.

Their parking lot is not nearly long enough for anything that can be considered a run, but to make sure the car takes off the line a great form, it is just perfect.

Check out the video and see this in action.


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