Paul SR. & Mikey Are Trying To Cowdsource a New OCC Show!

It looks like Paul SR. & Mikey Are Trying To Cowdsource a New OCC Show!

Go ahead, take a wild guess, we all know that the American Chopper show has been off the air for a while but what would your guess be? Three, five, six years, well believe it or not, but the show has been off the TV screens for eight years now can you believe it?

Although the whole deal of the show was building itself and at the same time tearing itself down before our eyes, we are all well aware that not everything that was happening was broadcasted by the cameras, and there have been a huge number of things that none of us had seen or heard about.

Well this time we have Paul Sr. and his younger son Mikey, to tell us more of the whole deal that we had never heard of during the best, and worst years of the show.

Check out the video and find out, are they actually “selling” us a new show?

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