Rear end Ripped out of Mustang at over 200 MPH in Violent Wreck!!!

Check this, Rear end Ripped out of Mustang at over 200 MPH in Violent Wreck!!!

Accidents are one thing that you cannot completely avoid at the race track and there are many reasons for this, and one of the biggest ones is the fact that the racers are driving that race car at 110% of its ability, trying to squeeze out every last bit of power and reach the finish line a split second faster than the last run.

This time however, it was not the drivers fault at all, but the equipment that he piloted.

As he now remembers after it all started coming back to him, he was just about to cross the finish line when his left window blasted open, and as they put it, he lost cabin pressure.

This caused the car to immediately veer to the left, this meant that he is about to enter his opponent’s lane, so the only thing that he thought off was slamming on the brakes in order to avoid a collision of two cars traveling at more than 200 mph.

There might have been better options for this, but we’ll let him tell you more about it, after you check out the crash, in the video bellow.


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