Drivers Bet More Than $25,000 In Fierce Las Vegas Street Racing, Street Outlaws: Memphis!!!

Check this, Drivers Bet More Than $25,000 In Fierce Las Vegas Street Racing, Street Outlaws: Memphis!!!

Many of the street racers try to make up for the vast amount of money that they spent on the car with some street racing.

One of the ways to do so is winning races like Cash Days and similar events which have a huge payout for the prize money which would heal up the bank account after the hole that the race car left behind.

However, there is a second way to do this, and today we are bringing you a video from the streets where both racers are trying to make massive amounts of money by betting on the race. This of course is followed by both crews on both sides showing their confidence in their race car by betting some cash of their own on the race.

From time to time, however, tempers flare and the amounts that people are trying to make are so big that they end up betting way more than what they were planning to do so.

This appears to be one of those times, unfortunately.

The racers are eager to make big bets because their friend just lost his car in a crash so in order to get him enough cash to rebuild it they decide to bet heavily on the next few races and they do just that.

With a bet as big as $25,000 these guys are trying to scare the competition into doing something hasty or reckless that would provide them the win and the cash.

Both of these crews are confident that they have the winning car and driver combination but the reality is only one of these guys will be walking away with the cash so there isn’t better way of finding out who it will be than to play the video and see which way the race goes, so click on that video and enjoy some big cash racing.

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