Mechanic Builds Crazy 130mph Rat Rod and Truck!

Check how this Mechanic Builds Crazy 130mph Rat Rod and Truck!

No, you did not click on the wrong link and end up at the filming stage of the newest Mad Max movie, you are still on the right spot it is just that this time we take you to see something different way down to Rolleston New Zeeland where a guy by the name of David Jeffery was launched at the top of the Rat Rod scene in his country because of his two new creations.

 Named after his name Isabella, he constructed his “BellaRat” during the course of one year and after it was finished he just started collection the grand prizes wherever he would show up, and at times even for years in a row, since nobody could build something that comes close to his incredible machines.

 In order to transport his “BellaRat” to the events in style he already had built the “SemiRat” which is a converted Semi Truck which is more than a perfect mode of transportation for his 130 MPH Rat Rod.

To find out more click on the video and see what made this master mechanic so popular.

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