Something’s Wrong with Murder Nova’s Car on the Start of the New Street Outlaws Season!!

Check this, Something’s Wrong with Murder Nova’s Car on the Start of the New Street Outlaws Season!!

Many times in these races these guys do not have a clue as to why the car performed the way it did so once again we catch up with Shawn Ellington AKA Murder nova and it seems that he is in trouble.

Coming off a race with Dominator Shawn is totally confused as to why the car did what it did, and he has no clue if it was the traction control that pulled all the power off the engine or whether it was, but he does not want the same thing to happen again.

With virtually no time to check for any of the suspected problems, now Shawn has to line up the Murder Nova against Jerry Monza and hope that whatever the issue was with the car has run its course and the car is going to be able to make a lap so fast that Jerry will not be able to catch him.

Warriors often love to say that no battle plan survives the first contact with the enemy, so once again all the hope that Shawn had for the upcoming race is shattered as soon as they line up for the two-stage. The lack of explosions out of the exhaust paints a pretty bleak picture when it comes to the Murder Nova’s future performance.

As soon as they get side by side it is obvious that there is no response from the turbo’s and there is no boost to be had at the starting line at all.

All that Shawn can do at this point is let go of the button and hope that Jerry is suffering a similar malfunction, and he does that to no avail.

So check out this video and see and hear why the Murder Nova is unable to give Monza a decent drag race.

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