Daddy Daves New Setup for Goliath is Here!!!

Check this, Daddy Daves New Setup for Goliath is Here!!

He has been on the top three of the list for quite a while now and even when he was on top he decided that you do need to change the winning horse, and instead of procharger, he decided to go twin turbo while he was at the top of the game, something that we don’t see every day.

He said back then that if you plan on staying on the top, you need to do the changes to the car before you start losing ground to the competition.

So why is he now going back to a procharger?

A photo surfaced which shows that his new engine has a huge procharger strapped to the front of the engine and for most of us this was a real surprise, since we all thought that the twin turbo setup is the way to go, so check out the video to find out more about this change, and hear what Sim has to say about this.

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