What Really Happened to Chuck Seitsinger From Street Outlaws

Take a look at this, What Really Happened to Chuck Seitsinger From Street Outlaws!?

The real Street Outlaws fans are well aware that there are two Chucks in the 405 and they are the total opposite of each other.

Chuck 55 is the taller patient one down-to-earth kind of guy who is driving, yes you are guessing a Chevy 55.

Chuck Seitsinger on the other hand, is the total opposite of what we have described, to put it mildly.

He is the short guy who we believe has the shortest temper out of anybody that we have seen on the

Street Outlaws. His temper is so short that whenever these guys race anybody from other than the 405 he always finds a way to get into it with somebody.

Now we all know that the producers are usually trying to get these guys rattled up for the show and try to get them to argue as much as they can, however, it seems that Chuck does not need any of that.

He even got into a fight in the middle of an event with his co-host Boosted GT while hosting the event.

He threw water into Boosted’s event that they were paid for.

If you started watching the new season of Street Outlaws No Prep Kings, you noticed that during the first qualifying event, Chuck Seitsinger was nowhere to be found, and the reason for this is that he was locked up by the authorities.

When he did show up for the second race, he started talking about how James Finney AKA Birdman, the winner of the first NPK Championship, had cut him off, and because of his one-year probation, he managed to control his anger and did not get into a fight with him.

So let us dive into this video and see what these guys have in store about Chuck Seitsinger and what else happened to him.

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