JJ da Boss and Street Outlaws Answer the Million Dollar Question!!!

Take a look at this, JJ da Boss and Street Outlaws Answer the Million Dollar Question!!!

Today the guys are hit with one of the hardest question that one can ask a racer.

-If somebody comes up to you today, and offers you a check, for the amount of every penny that you have ever invested into cars and into car racing, but in return you could never go back to racing, and you would have to walk away from all of it, would you do it?

To be honest, even though this might sound like a question that kids ask each other about stuff, it is still something that you need to think about.

On the one hand, we all know that these guys have dunked an incredible amount of money into this over the course of their lives and we all know that racing cars is and never has been cheap, so all of it in one huge payment, well id does sound pretty sweet if you ask me.

These guys have been spending money on cars ever since they got their driver’s license, or for some of them even before they could legally sit behind the wheel of a car, and this once again is a testament to how much money they would be getting.

So how do you think they will react?

Surely there must be a few racers that were having a bad day and are already tired of wrenching away on cars right?

Some of them are actually working on their cars as they are being asked this very tricky question, so those are guys that are probably tired right now and might decide that they have had enough of this life and say they would take the money, but will they?

So check out what the answer is for a few of the greatest in this sport, including Pat Musi, JJ Da Boss, Axmen and many more. 

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